

  • European equities are earnings/M&A driven this morning whilst markets remain tentative ahead of today’s risk events
  • FX and Fixed Income markets are largely on standby ahead of FOMC
  • US President Trump’s insistence that China commits to large purchases of US agricultural products has reportedly become a negotiating sticking point
  • Looking ahead highlights include US, ADP, GDP (Advanced), FOMC and BoC Rate Decisions & Press Conferences, ECB's Lautenschlager
  • Earnings: Apple,...
  • Asian equity markets traded mostly negative after the cautious tone rolled over from Wall St
  • A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said team members will make continuous and stepped-up efforts on the trade consultation
  • US President Trump’s insistence that China commits to large purchases of US agricultural products has reportedly become a negotiating sticking point
  • UK lawmakers approved the early election bill with 438 votes and 20 against for an election on December 12th
  • Looking ahead,...
  • European bourses are softer after a relatively flat open, as newsflow remains light ahead of the weeks risk events
  • UK Opposition Labour Party are to back a December election, irrespective of the date
  • US House Speaker Pelosi announced in a letter to Democrats that the House will vote to formalize the procedures related to impeachment inquiry of President Trump
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Consumer Confidence & Pending Home Sales,...
  • Asian equity markets trade mostly higher as the region just about took impetus from Wall St where the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 notched record highs
  • USTR office is to consider extensions of certain tariff exclusions on USD 34bln of Chinese goods from November 1st
  • UK lawmakers rejected PM Johnson's request for an early election with 299 MP's voting in favour, short of the two-thirds (434) majority needed
  • UK PM Johnson will now give notice of a short bill (requires a simple majority but can be...
  • European bourses are little changed this morning on a lack of newsflow
  • European Council President Tusk announces that "The EU27 has agreed that it will accept the UK's request for a Brexit "flextension" until 31 January 2020
  • China’s MOFCOM stated the technical consultations of some of the text agreement for the deal with US were basically completed and that the sides agreed to properly handle their core concerns
  • Looking ahead, highlights...
  • MON: Eurozone M3 Money Supply, US Good Trade Balance, Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index.
  • TUE: Tokyo CPI, German Import Price Index, US S&P Case-Shiller, CB Consumer Confidence, US Pending Home Sales.
  • WED: Australian CPI, Swedish Confidence, German Labour Market Report, Regional and National CPI, Consumer Confidence (F), ADP Employment, BoC Rate Decision, FOMC Rate Decision.
  • THU: Australian Building Approvals, Chinese Manufacturing...
  • Asian equity markets began the week with a positive tone amid trade hopes after China signalled that a partial agreement may be within reach
  • EU is reportedly preparing to allow a 3-month Brexit extension to January 31st 2020 with an option to leave earlier
  • UK’s Liberal Democratic party have drawn up a bill which would fix an election for December 9th, SNP are said to back the bill
  • In FX, DXY traded relatively stable, GBP/USD was subdued,...
  • European bourses are mixed but overall slightly subdued in what has been a quiet session thus far
  • Chinese Foreign Ministry state they are extremely indignant about, and oppose, the speech by VP Pence
  • FX complex is little changed overall with the USD slightly mixed and GBP softer as election talk increases
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US Baker Hughes
  • Earnings: Verizon Communications, Phillips 66, Charter Communications, Royal Caribbean, Aon,...
  • Asian equities traded mixed with a lack of conviction amid the absence of any firm macro drivers and as earnings releases remained centre stage
  • US Vice President Pence suggested the US will continue to seek better relations with China
  • UK PM Johnson is calling for an election on December 12th under the Fixed Term Parliament Act
  • UK opposition party Labour is to reject PM Johnson’s offer until a no-deal Brexit is taken off the table
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German Consumer Sentiment...
  • European equities are firmer this morning after a choppy session following Flash PMIs
  • Riksbank and Norges Bank left rates unchanged as expected; Riksbank maintained December hiking bias – as such Scandi’s are firmer
  • UK PM Johnson reportedly faces increasing revolt from within his party over the threat of holding an election before delivering the Brexit
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Durables, Initial Jobless Claims and Markit PMIs, ECB, and CBRT policy decisions, ECB’s Draghi, US 7yr...
  • Asian equity markets traded mixed after having failed to fully sustain the positive lead from Wall St with global markets heavily focused on earnings releases
  • UK PM Johnson reportedly faces increasing revolt from within his party over the threat of holding an election before delivering the Brexit
  • EU Diplomats are to discuss the UK's extension on Friday and say that an extension until 31 January is most likely
  • US President Trump said Turkey told the US that they will make the ceasefire permanent and...
  • European bourses are mixed as sentiment remains tentative, although they have been grinding higher throughout the session
  • EU could respond as soon as today to the UK’s Brexit extension request, France pusing to wait until Friday
  • Russian Energy Minister Novak says he has no information regarding possible discussions on deeper oil production cuts at the OPEC+ December meeting
  • In FX, the DXY is modestly firmer with G10 counterparts flat/slightly subdued in comparison
  • Looking ahead, highlights...
  • Asian equity markets traded lacklustre as the region took its cue from the losses on Wall St where sentiment was dampened by further Brexit uncertainty
  • UK Government won the vote on the second reading of the WAB by 329 to 299 votes but lost the vote for the programme motion by 308-322
  • EU’s Tusk said he will recommend the EU27 accept UK request for an extension to avoid a no-deal Brexit
  • US Commerce Secretary Ross is looking to negotiations with EU to ease trade dispute and is said to have floated new...
  • European equities are choppy, sectors are mixed, risk tone remains tentative
  • UK government published the Withdrawal Agreement Bill on Monday which will see its first vote at 1900BST on Tuesday
  • Canadian PM Trudeau's Liberal Party won the Canadian General Election but fell short of an outright majority
  • Looking ahead, highlights include Canadian Retail Sales, US Existing Home Sales, Richmond Fed and APIs, NZ Trade, RBA Assistant Governor Kent,...
  • Asian equity markets traded mostly positive amid mild tailwinds from Wall St where all major indices edged higher and the S&P 500 above 3000
  • US President Trump said China is purchasing US agricultural goods now and that any issues in phase 2 talks are in many ways a lot easier than the issues faced in phase 1
  • UK government published the Withdrawal Agreement Bill on Monday night which will see its first vote at 1900BST on Tuesday
  • Canadian...
  • Major European bourses are modestly firmer, FTSE lags amid a firmer pound, SAP shares rose after earnings and announcing a deal with Microsoft
  • UK Parliament vote on the Brexit deal was postponed on Saturday after lawmakers voted (322-306) in favour of passing the Letwin amendment
  • In FX, GBP/USD briefly topped 1.3000, DXY fell further towards 97.00, risk currencies outperform
  • Looking ahead highlights include BoE’s Haldane, Fed’s Bowman, ECB...
  • MON: Swedish Unemployment, EZ Industrial Production.
  • TUE: RBA Minutes, Chinese Inflation, South Korean Trade, UK Labour Market, German ZEW, NY Empire State Manufacturing Index, NZ CPI.
  • WED: BoK Rate Decision, UK & EZ Inflation, EZ Trade, US Retail Sales, Canadian CPI, US Business Inventories, TIC Flows.
  • THU: Australian Labour Market, Swiss Trade, UK Retail Sales, US Building Permits, Housing Starts, Philly Fed, Industrial Production,...
  • Asian equity markets began the week with a cautious tone following last Friday’s lacklustre close on Wall St and amid continued Brexit uncertainty
  • Parliament vote on the Brexit deal was postponed on Saturday after lawmakers voted (322-306) in favour of passing the Letwin amendment
  • PM Johnson stated that legislation will be tabled in the upcoming week and sent a letter to the EU requesting a Brexit extension which he did not sign
  • Looking ahead highlights include, German PPI, BoE’s Haldane, Fed’s...
  • Major European Bourses are modestly lower, France’s CAC underperforms as Renault cut outlook
  • Chinese economic growth slowed to the weakest pace since 1992, although Q/Q and YTD GDP figures matched analysts’ forecasts, while IP surpassed estimates
  • Outside experts reportedly warned President Trump that continued escalation of US-China trade tensions could hurt economy and re-election
  • Looking ahead, highlights US Baker Hughes rig count, Fed’s...
  • Asian equity markets traded cautiously after the rally from the Brexit deal breakthrough petered out and as participants mulled over mixed Chinese data
  • Chinese economic growth slowed to the weakest pace since 1992, although Q/Q and YTD GDP figures matched analysts’ forecasts, while IP surpassed estimates
  • UK rebel Labour MPs were said to be considering backing PM Johnson's Brexit deal if workers' and other rights are written into UK law
  • Looking ahead, highlights US Baker Hughes rig count, Fed’s...
  • EU and UK have reached a Brexit deal, sources indicate DUP against it; no word from DUP Leader Foster yet
  • Sterling is stronger with Cable reaching just shy of 1.30 at best; other G10 currencies are firmer vs. USD
  • There will be no discussions on further Turkey sanctions during the European Commission summit, according to a senior EU officials
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Housing Permits & Starts, Philadelphia Fed, Industrial Production and EIA Weekly Stocks, EU Council Summit Begins,...
  • Asian equity markets traded mixed after the lacklustre tone rolled over from Wall St where all majors finished with marginal losses
  • UK PM Johnson told the 1922 Committee that the UK will still leave deal or no deal on 31st October if a deal cannot be reached
  • EU sources stated that a level playing field, customs arrangements and NI consent all have been agreed in the EU/UK talks, although VAT provisions are not done yet
  • US President Trump suggested the Phase 1 of the US-China trade deal is moving...
  • European bourses are mixed but little changed overall as sentiment remains choppy, FTSE underperforms on ongoing GBP strength
  • EU’s Barnier is optimistic a deal can be reached today, but EU sources state there is now not enough time to formally sign a deal at tomorrow’s summit; DUP remain the critical voice at present
  • In FX, a volatile session for GBP thus far with the remaining G10 currencies mixed vs. USD; debt complex is bid across the board
  • US House passed a bill aimed at supporting the Hong Kong...
  • Asian equity markets traded higher after taking the impetus from the gains across global peers
  • A large split reportedly opened up among Tory Eurosceptics whether to back PM Johnson's Brexit plan with some in the ERG supporting it, whilst others spoke out against it
  • Reports are now talking about an effective deadline of 1300BST for a Brexit deal to be agreed in Brussels
  • China urged US lawmakers to stop interfering and threatened to retaliate with strong measures after the US House passed a bill aimed...
  • European indices are firmer this morning, though sentiment has been impacted by US-China rhetoric
  • Reports indicate China will struggle to purchase USD 50bln of US agri products annually, unless retaliatory tariffs are removed
  • Mixed comments from EU’s Barnier stating that a Brexit deal is possible this week although sources note that the latest proposals are not enough
  • DXY is mixed vs. G10 peers, with GBP and JPY outperforming and the debt complex is firmer thus far
  • Looking ahead highlights...