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Real-time Audio: Our low latency audio stream covers markets 24 hours a day...

Important news in real-time

Our team of analysts monitor over 100 news sources so you don't have to. We only speak when necessary, give a heads up before key releases, and emphasise important data.

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Text Headlines: See what you hear...

More than just audio...

Our searchable and personalised news headlines allow you to catch up with the day's events, with added analysis and reaction details.

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Research, Videos & Calendars


12-15 daily research sheets produced in-house before, during and after market giving you a precise and up to date briefing whenever you need it.


Our all-encompassing calendars not only provide you with daily releases but also with economic data, central bank speakers, earnings, bond auctions, expiries and any event that the market deems important.

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Analyst Recap: A direct line to our squawk desk...

Your own personal support analyst

A service you can get nowhere else! Exclusive to Newsquawk, Analyst Support is aimed at offering an additional level of service and real-time interaction with our analyst team.

Professional subscribers will be able to reach out directly to our desk to receive additional recaps, insight and depth to recent market moving events.

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Twitter: Remain one step ahead of the competition

In-house social scanner

Our analysts filter out the noise so you don't have to, providing only the most relevant tweets and essential information 24 hours a day.

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Newsquawk Stock Imbalance Forecasts

Proprietary forecasts of US30, US500, & Single Stocks

The Newsquawk MOC Imbalance is produced solely by Newsquawk and is an aggregated estimate computed by using Newsquawk’s in-house calculations and aggregated estimates from multiple sources. Whilst they may include data provided by many exchanges and other market sources, they do not represent any particular trading exchange data, views, opinions and/or compilations.

The references to stock imbalances on or contained in any of Newsquawk's website, written research and/or audio squawk refer to Newsquawk’s own Newsquawk MOC Imbalance; and all proprietary rights therein belong to Newsquawk.

Client testimonies

This is what our clients have to say about us...

As event driven traders, it is important to understand the news behind the headline. Newsquawk looks into the headlines to the information that moves the markets, this is what makes them better.

Ronin Capital, Chicago

Newsquawk has been a great provider of financial news to the benefit of our traders. Newsquawk’s effectiveness results from combining speed with the knowledge to communicate news.

Will de Lucy, Amplify Trading

Newsquawk is the news source that we use that gives us the information that matters now. It aggregates all the major news wires and delivers the information that counts.

DV Trading, Chicago

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