

  • Asian stocks were mixed following a similar lead from Wall Street, China Manufacturing PMI contracted for a third-straight month
  • PM May avoided a Parliamentary showdown yesterday by agreeing to hold a vote on March 14th on whether to delay Brexit, if Parliament has rejected her deal and leaving without a deal
  • UK government is reportedly mulling bringing the Brexit meaningful vote forward to next week; according to rumours cited by BBC’s Chief Political Editor
  • In FX markets, DXY...
  • European equities are subdued as the risk tone deteriorates due to escalating tensions between Pakistan and India
  • Sterling has been boosted, with cable having surpassed 1.33 ahead of today’s amendment votes
  • Dollar has slipped somewhat ahead of Fed Powell testimony part 2; with yesterday’s testimony emphasising the patient stance
  • Looking ahead, highlights include, Canadian CPI, US Factory Orders, Fed’s Powell testifying before the House, earnings from...

Asian equities posted firm gains following a subdued lead from Wall Street, energy stocks outperformed

UK PM May said she is close to winning concessions from the EU that could persuade Eurosceptic MPs to back her deal

Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg is prepared to consider other legal fixes to make sure the Irish backstop does not become permanent

FX markets are relatively quiet as the DXY roamed just above the 96.000, AUD and NZD were dented by disappointed data

Looking ahead, highlights...


Pound outperforms as anticipation builds around PM May removing Brexit no-deal from the table

Major European equities are in the red as risk sentiment faded in the Asia session; Dow constituant Home Depot missed on their top and bottom lines

Looking ahead, highlights include US Building Permits & Housing Starts. US Consumer Confidence, Fed Discount Rate Minutes, Fed’s Powell testifying before the Senate, US Auctions & earnings from Macy's


Asian stocks traded mostly...

  • Asian stocks traded mostly lower following an uninspiring lead from Wall Street, Mainland China swung between gains and losses
  • UK PM May is considering a plan to postpone Brexit which she will be discussing with her Cabinet ahead of a Parliamentary announcement
  • UK PM May is said to propose formally ruling out a no-deal Brexit but still wants to keep the option of no-deal alive for later in the year after any potential extension to Article 50
  • In FX markets, DXY was choppy within a...
  • US President Trump’s announcement of a China tariff extension spurs markets into risk on trade
  • GBP shrugs off UK PM May delaying meaningful vote again, with suggestions abound of an extension to Article 50
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US National Activity Index and US 2yr, 5yr note auctions


US President Trump said he will be delaying the deadline for the China tariff hike, and assuming US and China make additional progress, he will be planning a Summit...

  • US President Trump announced an extension to the March 1st trade deadline whilst citing substantial progress on key issues
  • UK PM May is reportedly considering delaying Brexit by two months, whilst EU are said to be mulling a proposal for a Brexit delay until 2021
  • UK PM May confirmed a meaningful vote will not take place this week, MPs will get to vote by March 12th
  • Asian stocks started the week with modest gains following a strong lead from Wall Street, Mainland China outperformed on...
  • All quiet on the western front ahead of US President Trump’s scheduled talks with Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He at at 1430EST
  • Clouds clear downunder for the AUD as Aussie-Dailan coal import story categorically denied
  • UK Official notes that it is very unlikely a Brexit deal will be voted on next week
  • Looking ahead, highlights include, Canadian Retail Sales, Fed's Bostic, Williams, Daly, Clarida, Bullard & Harker, ECB's Draghi &...
  • Asian stocks were mixed following the weak lead from their peers on Wall St. where all US major indices declined and the Nasdaq snapped its 8-day win streak
  • US President Trump is expected to meet with China Vice Premier Liu He today at 1430EST
  • As many as 25 UK government members are ready to vote for a Brexit delay unless UK PM May rules out a "no-deal"
  • EU expects PM May to be forced to request a 3-month extension to...
  • Mixed trade for European stocks [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.1%] despite a firmer Asia trade
  • Aussie and Kiwi remain the underperformers while GBP gave up gains on Brexit impasse
  • Looking ahead, highlights include ECB Minutes, US Durable Goods & Existing Home Sales, US Philly Fed Business Index, ECB’s Praet, BoE’s Haldane, Fed’s Bostic & BoC’s Poloz
  • Earnings: Kraft-Heinz


Asian equity markets eventually traded mostly higher with the...

  • FOMC minutes stated that almost all Fed officials wanted to halt the balance sheet run-off later this year, whilst several officials see a 2019 rate hike if the economy remains on track
  • US and China are drafting 6 MOUs on key structural issues which will cover IP, property, services, tech transfer, agriculture, currency and non-tariff barriers
  • EU reportedly wants proof that UK MPs are willing to back revised deal before EU leaders sign off on deal...
  • Major indices in Europe have somewhat waned off earlier highs [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.1%] following a relatively indecisive Asia-Pac session
  • UK Tory MPs Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston have resigned from the Conservative Party and joined the Independent Group
  • The greenback has regained some poise after yesterday’s relatively pronounced downturn ahead of the FOMC minutes later today
  • Looking ahead, highlights include EZ Consumer Confidence, FOMC Minutes, Fed’s Kaplan,...
  • Asian stocks traded somewhat indecisively following the cautious gains seen on Wall St. ahead of upcoming risk events
  • UK PM May is considering plans to bring forward the meaningful vote on Brexit deal to next week in an effort to ward off the threat of resignations by pro-European MPs
  • US President Trump said China talks are going well but are complex and that March 1 deadline is not a magical date
  • Looking ahead, highlights...
  • Choppy trade in EU stocks after mixed cue from Asia, and awaiting Wall St.’s return
  • DXY retests 97.000 to the upside while EUR and GBP decline on Brexit and growth woes
  • Looking ahead, highlights include Fed’s Mester, ECB’s Praet, Riksbanks’ Ingves Speaking & Earnings from Walmart


EU Commission President Juncker says Trump gave his word there wouldn't be tariffs on European cars for the time being; if Trump breaks the promise, EU will...

  • Asian stocks were mixed as the region struggled for firm direction following yesterday’s rally and after a non-existent lead from the US
  • UK Brexit Minister Barclay said he had a positive meeting with EU Chief Brexit negotiator Barnier and agreed to meet again mid-week
  • US and China are reportedly scrambling to at least produce a memorandum of understanding by the end of today which could help pave the way for a Trump-Xi meeting
  • ...
  • Asian stocks kick-started the week on the front-foot as the region followed suit to last Friday’s gains on Wall St. where sentiment was buoyed by US-China trade talks
  • US President Trump tweeted that US-China trade talks are very productive, and progress is being made on many fronts
  • France and other European countries are reportedly ready to give the UK legally binding assurances that the Northern Irish backstop is temporary
  • Looking ahead, highlights include UK Brexit Secretary...
  • EU bourses reversed opening losses [Eurostoxx 50 +1.0%] amidst US-Sino trade optimism
  • US and Chinese officials report new progress in latest talks, ahead of further dialogue next wee
  • US President Trump is to deliver remarks on border at 1000EST/1500GMT
  • Looking ahead, highlights include, US NY Fed Manufacturing & Uni of Michigan Sentiment, US Import/Export Prices, US Industrial Production & Manufacturing Output, ECB's Coeure, Fed's Bostic...
  • Asian equity markets traded mostly negative following the weakness of their counterparts in US
  • US Congress passed the government funding and border security bill, which President Trump is expected to sign but is also anticipated to declare a national emergency
  • US and China are reportedly scrambling to at least produce a memorandum of understanding by the end of today which could help pave the way for a Trump-Xi meeting
  • UK...
  • Major European indices are predominantly in the green [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.4%] with CAC and SMI leading gain
  • DXY flirts with new YTD high but NZD outperforms
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US PPI & Retail Sales, Fed's Harker, Norges' Olsen, HoC Vote on PM May's Brexit Plans
  • EARNINGS: Coca-Cola, Duke, CME Group, Zoetis, IQVIA, Waste Management, NVIDIA


Asian equity markets were indecisive as the momentum from Wall St, where stocks notched a...

  • Asian equity markets were indecisive amid Chinese trade data and as senior level US-China trade talks began in Beijing
  • ERG is said to have told the Chief Whip they will not back the government today unless the motion on leaving the EU was changed; Government has so far refused
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German GDP (Flash), EZ Employment & GDP (Flash), US PPI & Retail Sales, BoE's Vlieghe, Fed's Harker, Norges' Olsen, HoC Vote on PM...
  • Major European indices mostly flat-to-firmer but off best levels with the IBEX underperforming ahead of Spanish budget vote
  • NZD and SEK outperform after less-dovish Central Bank policy statements
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US CPI, Japanese GDP, ECB’s Visco, Fed's Mester, Bostic & Harker, RBNZ’s Orr Speaking


Asian equity markets traded mostly higher with global sentiment underpinned as US government shutdown fears abated and amid increasing...

  • All major European indices are in the green [Euro Stoxx 50 +1.0%], continuing from the optimism seen in Asia overnight on US-China trade and the potential for averting a US government shutdown.
  • Greenback remains strong following reports that Lighthizer and Mnuchin have arrived in Beijing ahead of trade talks.
  • Looking ahead, highlights include ECB’s Lautenschlaeger, Fed’s Powell & Mester, BoE’s Carney, UK PM May Updating House of Commons on Brexit, OPEC Monthly Oil...

Asian equity markets traded mostly higher amid cautious optimism regarding US-China trade talks and hopes of averting a government shutdown

UK House of Commons leader Leadsom commented that there was no chance UK PM May will accept Labour Party’s customs union proposal

In FX, the greenback remained firm following the prior day’s strength in which the DXY rose above the 97.00 level and posted its best levels YTD

Looking ahead, highlights include ECB’s Nowotny & Lautenschlaeger,...

  • Risk appetite has supported EU stocks (Euro Stoxx 50 +0.8%) ahead of crucial trade talks this week
  • DXY gains more ground, eyeing YTD highs and then the 97.000 mark
  • Bipartisan talks over the weekend regarding funding for the border wall is said to have reached a stalemate ahead of this week’s government shutdown deadline
  • Looking ahead, highlights include Canadian Trade Balance, Fed’s Bowman


Asia equity markets began the week mixed following the...

  • Asian equity markets began the week mixed following the similar performance of their US peers on Friday and ahead of US-China trade talks
  • UK PM May has agreed to talks with Labour leader Corbyn regarding a soft Brexit according to The Telegraph; later reports suggest she has rejected this potential pivot
  • CHF saw volatility overnight amid a mini ‘flash-crash’ which saw the currency weaken by 1% which some attributed to stops being taken out amid...