

  • Asian equity markets began mixed with the region cautious ahead of the upcoming slate of key risk events
  • Price action in FX was relatively quiet amid a lack of tier 1 data releases, DXY slightly pulled back from Friday’s data-driven gains
  • Former UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to withhold Brexit bill payments could be thwarted by Attorney General Cox’s legal advice
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US NY Fed Manufacturing, ECB’s de...
  • European indices are predominantly lower [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.4%] as the risk-off theme prevails
  • The US have reportedly asked the WTO to pause the investigation into China IP until December, and India are reportedly preparing higher tariffs on 20 US goods
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Retail Sales, Industrial Production, Business Inventories, University of Michigan Sentiment, BoE’s Carney



Asia equity markets traded mixed as they awaited...

  • Asian indices are mixed, pulled between the positive Wall St. lead and impending Chinese data at 08:00BST
  • US Secretary of State Pompeo formally blamed Iran for the Oman tanker attacks
  • NEC Director Kudlow states that China has broken WTO terms on trade, as such US President Trump is taking action
  • Looking ahead highlights include, Chinese Industrial Output & Retail Sales, EZ CPI (Final), US Retail Sales, Industrial Production, Business...
  • European equities are firmer [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.2%], deviating from their Asia-Pac counterparts
  • WTI & Brent are significantly firmer amidst reports that two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman have been attacked
  • In FX, the USD remains relatively stead while safe havens are buoyed by ongoing geopolitical tensions
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Import, Export Prices & Jobless Claims, New Zealand Manufacturing PMI. Supply from the...
  • Asia-Pac stocks remain lower as the risk-off sentiment spills over from the US; amidst negative Chinese rhetoric on a US trade deal
  • US President Trump remains optimistic on achieving a deal with China, but added that tariffs on the rest of Chinese imports will be imposed if no deal can be achieved; has no deadline for these tariffs
  • USD remains firm to the detriment of G10 counterparts, with Cable pressured after the Labour party’s parliament control bill was...
  • No major fundamental EU session updates leave European Indices [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.5%] subdued and largely in-line with their Asia-Pac counterparts.
  • In FX, the USD is lacklustre ahead of US CPI; with G10 counterparts failing to significantly capitalise on this amidst the downbeat tone
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US CPI, ECB’s Coeure. Supply from the US



Asian equity markets traded mostly subdued after the flat lead from Wall St where the...

  • Asian indices are mixed, following on from Wall St. finishing flat, breaking its week-long win streak
  • In FX, the USD is little changed ahead of US CPI; with main G10 counterparts relatively steady as well
  • US President Trump says he is the one holding up the US-China trade deal, and that he expects to meet President Xi at the G20 summit
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US CPI, ECB’s Draghi, de Guindos & Coeure. Supply from Germany &...
  • European indices are firmer this morning [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.9%], taking the lead from a positive Asia-Pac session.
  • In FX, Sterling is outperforming G10 counterparts on the combination of both strong UK labour data and hawkish BoE speak
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US PPI. Supply from the US


Asian equity markets were higher across the board after a similar lead from US where sentiment was underpinned by the US-Mexico tariff relief which lifted the...

  • Asian indices are higher as sentiment remains supported on US-Mexico tariff relief
  • BoE’s Saunders says the BoE will likely need to return to a neutral stance sooner than expected and rates do not necessarily need to be on hold until Brexit uncertainty fades
  • Looking ahead highlights include, UK Employment Data, US NFIB & PPI, ECB’s Nowotny & Rehn, BoE’s Vlieghe, Saunders, Broadbent & Tenreyro. Supply from the...
  • European Indices  [Euro Stoxx 600 +0.2%] are firmer as risk sentiment remains positive after the US agreed to advert tariffs on Mexico
  • In FX, the USD outperforms its G10 counterparts with antipodeans lagging on mixed China trade, while GBP declines with UK GDP
  • Looking ahead highlights include; Canadian Housing Starts & Building Permits, US Jolts, BoE’s Saunders



Asian equity markets began the week higher with sentiment underpinned...

  • Asian indices are firmer with sentiment bolstered by the US and Mexico reaching an agreement to avoid tariffs
  • Sources indicate that ECB policymakers are said to be open to lowering rates if growth weakens
  • In FX, the USD has benefited as tariffs were avoided with MXN outperforming; GBP is subdued as the Tory leadership contest begins
  • Looking ahead highlights include; UK GDP, Services, Industrial & Manufacturing Output, Canadian Housing...
  • European indices [Euro Stoxx 50 +1.0%] are firmer as the positive sentiment rolls over from Asia-Pac session ahead of NFP
  • White House Press Secretary Sanders stated that the US is moving ahead with Mexico tariffs, President Trump reportedly plans to declare a national emergency to impose the tariffs
  • Looking ahead, highlights include, US & Canadian Jobs Report, Fed's Barkin



Asian equity markets were mostly higher following the tailwinds...

  • Asian equity markets were mostly higher following the tailwinds from US where sentiment was underpinned by hopes of averting tariffs on Mexico
  • However, White House Press Secretary Sanders later cast doubts on this and stated the US is still moving ahead with tariffs
  • DXY consolidated around the 97.00 level after the prior day’s tumultuous session in which the USD lost ground against EUR
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German Industrial Output & Trade Balance, US & Canadian Jobs Report,...
  • European indices are firmer [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.8%], diverging from the mixed performance of their Asia-Pac counterparts
  • US President Trump stated that tariffs on China could be raised to another USD 300bln if necessary due to trade disputes
  • In FX, the USD has consolidated above 97.0 while the EUR remains within a relatively narrow band ahead of ECB and close to notable option expiries
  • Looking ahead highlights include; US International Trade, Initial Jobless Claims, Labour Cost & Productivity, ECB...
  • Asian indices are mixed with sentiment subdued by the lack of Mexico tariff progress and as Chinese agencies are discussing opinions on countermeasures against the US
  • In FX, the DXY is flat but at prior session highs with G10 peers subdued as a result
  • Looking ahead highlights include; German Industrial Production, EZ GDP (Revised), US International Trade, Initial Jobless Claims, Labour Cost & Productivity, ECB Rate Decision & Staff Projections, BoE’s Carney, ECB’s Draghi, Fed’s Kaplan &...
  • European Indices [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.3%] are firmer but notably not as buoyed as the Asia-Pac session was overnight
  • In FX, the USD remains weak with the DXY back below the 97.0 handle to the benefit of all (ex-JPY) G10 counterparts
  • European Commission are to instigate infringement processes against the Italian Government due to their fiscal policy
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US Composite and Services PMI, US ADP, ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI, Fed’s Clarida, Evans, Rosengren,...
  • Asian indices were higher as the region took impetus from Wall St. posting its largest daily gain since early-January
  • Italian Deputy PM’s Salvini and Di Maio have reached an agreement to work together
  • In FX the DXY dropped towards the 97.0 level following Fed comments; to the benefit of most G10 counterparts
  • Looking ahead, highlights include EZ & US Composite and Services PMI, UK Services PMI, US ADP, ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI, BoE’s...
  • Major European indices [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.6%] are firmer after a subdued Asia-Pac lead, though the tech sector is still the underperformer
  • China have reportedly issued a warning against travelling to the US, and the Foreign Ministry states that it is clear every set back in trade talks was due to the US breaking consensus
  • In FX, the USD has recovered to above the 97.0 handle while the AUD has been largely resilient to the RBA rate cut and Governor Lowe’s comments
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US...
  • Asian indices are largely negative as tech suffered in sympathy with Wall St. and the US accused China of misrepresenting trade talks
  • Fed’s Bullard (Voter) said a rate cut may be warranted soon amid trade and inflation concerns
  • RBA cut rates as expected; to support employment growth and generate greater confidence around the inflation target
  • Looking ahead, highlights include UK Construction PMI, EZ CPI (Flash) & Unemployment Rate, US...
  • European indices remain subdued [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.1%] but have grinded higher after a downbeat Asia-Pac lead as China issued a White Paper blaming the US for the deterioration in trade talks
  • In FX, the DXY remains below the 98.0 handle and relatively unchanged for the session ahead of key risk events throughout the week
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US mfg PMIs, ISM mfg PMI, Fed’s Quarles, Barkin and Bullard



Asian equity markets traded...

  • A subdued start to the week for Asian indices as China released a White Paper blaming the US for trade talks deteriorating, and are to create an unreliable entity list
  • In FX, the DXY remains below the 98.0 level as the US faces a two-front trade war; while, EUR and GBP are benefiting from the USD weakness
  • Looking ahead, highlights include EZ, UK and US mfg PMIs, ISM mfg PMI, Fed’s Quarles, Barkin and...
  • European Indices are firmly in negative territory [Euro Stoxx 50 -1.7%] following US Presidents Trump’s plans to place tariffs on Mexican goods at an initial level of 4%
  • China’s Global Times Editor states that China will take major retaliatory measures against the US placing Huawei and other Chinese companies on an Entity List
  • In FX, the Mexican Peso underperforms while safe haven JPY benefits from the risk-off tone
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German CPI (Prelim), US Core PCE Price Index,...
  • Asian indices are subdued with sentiment weighed on by US President Trump’s plans to place tariffs on Mexican goods at an initial level of 5%
  • Chinese Manufacturing PMI moved into contractionary territory and printed below the estimate at 49.4
  • China reportedly has plans to limit rare earth sales to the US if necessary, while US VP Pence says Trump and Xi will likely meet at the G20 summit
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German Retail Sales...
  • European Indices [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.5%] have stayed positive after opening in positive territory, diverging from the subdued Asia-Pac session
  • China’s MOFCOM says tariffs will not solve trade imbalances, and they will not accept a trade deal which hurts their pride/sovereignty
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US GDP (2nd Estimate), Core PCE, Advanced Goods Balance, Pending Sales Change & Initial Jobless Claims, Canadian Average Weekly Earnings, Fed's Clarida, BoC's Wilkins
  • Market Holiday: Swiss,...
  • Asian indices followed the negative tone on from their US counterparts as Wall St. extended on the prior day’s losses
  • In FX the USD is firmer, with the DXY holding above the 98.00 level as counterparts, particularly EUR and GBP, remain subdued
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US GDP (2nd Estimate), Core PCE, Advanced Goods Balance, Pending Sales Change & Initial Jobless Claims, Canadian Average Weekly Earnings, BoE's Ramsden, Fed's Clarida, BoC's Wilkins,...