

  • Major European equity indices are essentially unchanged, while Dow futures underperform due to heavyweight Boeing
  • Brexit deadlock continues, recent reports suggest that PM May may change tomorrows vote from meaningful to provisional
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US retail sales (Jan), BoE’s Haskel, US supply. Note: US clocks have changed (London-NY gap is now 4 hours)



Asian equity markets traded somewhat...

  • Asian equity markets traded somewhat indecisive as the region digested Friday’s mixed US jobs data, China outperformed on PBoC pledge to further support the slowing economy
  • China reportedly removed the trip to Mar-a-Lago from Chinese President Xi's calendar, US and China are still negotiating over the phone
  • Brexit talks between the UK and the EU remain at an impasse, Downing Street has said, talks are to resume today
  • UK PM May has reportedly been warned by MPs that the Brexit vote must be put on...
  • Chinese trade surplus shrinks, as exports sink to 3 year lows
  •  European indices [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.6%] extend losses amidst global growth concerns
  • Dxy drifts from YTD peaks awaiting US payrolls
  •  Looking ahead, highlights include US & Canadian Jobs Report, ECB's Mersch Speaking



Asian equity markets were negative across board on spill-over selling from their global peers after...

  • Asian equity markets were negative across board on spill-over selling from their global peers after the ECB's latest policy announcement and disappointing Chinese trade data
  • UK PM May will urge the EU to help get her Brexit deal through House of Commons by agreeing to legally binding changes to the backstop
  • Sources reported that the ECB is said to doubt 2019 outlook was cut by enough and that President Draghi is said to have pushed for ECB stimulus package
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German...
  • Major European equities are marginally lower [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.4%] ahead of today’s ECB policy announcement
  • EU Brexit negotiators have told UK Attorney General Cox to rework his backstop proposals and return for further talks on Friday
  • Huawei has filed a lawsuit against the US for banning equipment from certain networks
  • Looking ahead, highlights include ECB Rate Decision & Press Conference, Fed's Brainard, ECB's Praet,
  • Earnings: Costco




  • Asian stocks were mostly lower following the negative lead from Wall Street, China wobbled after Huawei filed a lawsuit against the US government
  • EU officials are reportedly pessimistic about reaching a Brexit breakthrough. Negotiators suspect that whatever they offer will not be enough to get Parliament to back PM May's Brexit deal
  • UK PM May's Cabinet believes her Brexit deal 'will be defeated by 100 votes', Chief Whip Smith recently warned that Parliament will force a soft Brexit if deal is...
  • European indices are moving towards unchanged [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.1%] after a somewhat weaker start
  • AUD underperforms, weighed on by; GDP miss, banks now expecting two rate cuts and RBA’s Lowe stating it is hard to imagine a rate hike this year
  • EU official states that talks did not go well, as EU/UK talks continue, after ending without agreement yesterday
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US ADP National Employment & International Trade, Canadian Trade Balance, BoC Rate Decision, BoE's Cunliffe,...
  • Asian stocks were relatively mostly higher following a muted lead from Wall Street, Nikkei 225 underperformed
  • AUD was dealt a triple-whammy from Aussie GDP, Governor Lowe and JPM downgrading RBA rate forecasts
  • UK and EU negotiators reached no agreement yesterday, an EU official said the talks did not go well, dialogue will continue today
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US ADP National Employment & International Trade, Canadian Trade Balance, BoC Rate Decision, BoE's Cunliffe, Haldane &...
  • Major European indices are moving towards negative territory, after starting the session somewhat firmer [Euro Stoxx 50 U/C]
  • China lowered their 2019 GDP growth target range to 6.0-6.5% vs. Prev. around 6.5%
  • DXY is off of its best levels, but continues to move higher and as such is outperforming its G10 counterparts
  • Looking ahead, highlights US Composite and Services PMI, US ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI, Fed’s Rosengren, Kashkari, Barkin, BoE’s Carney, RBA’s...

Asian stocks traded lacklustre following a disappointing lead from Wall Street. Mainland China maintained composure following the Chinese NPC announcement

China lowered its 2019 GDP growth target to the range of 6.0-6.5% from “around 6.5%” and maintained CPI target at 3.0%, both as expected, budget deficit for 2019 was set at 2.8% vs. 2.6% in 2018

The RBA left its Cash Rate unchanged at 1.50% as expected. The statement was relatively mixed but the last paragraph (often seen as the most important) remained...

  • US and China are reportedly closing in on the final stages of a deal, according to WSJ
  • Major European indices are higher, continuing from a strong Asia session, albeit off of best levels
  • Dollar is mixed, but has recovered from US President Trump’s dollar strength comments
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US Construction Spending & earnings from Salesforce


US and China are reportedly at the final stages of completing a trade deal as...

  • Asian equities were higher across the board amid trade-optimism, Mainland China outperformed with Shanghai Comp. above 3000
  • WSJ reported that US-China trade deal is at its final stages, whilst China said foreign investment laws will strengthen IP protection
  • 1922 Committee Chairman Brady shifted his stance on PM May’s Brexit deal, EU’s Chief Negotiator Barnier said a Brexit delay is needed
  • In FX markets, DXY opened weaker after President Trump said the USD is “too...
  • Major European indicies are in the green [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.8%], following from the positive sentiment in Asia
  • Dollar somewhat stronger, as safe havens suffer on risk sentiment
  • China’s Caixin Manufacturing PMI beat expectations, but remains in contraction
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Core PCE, US ISM Manufacturing PMI, Canadian GDP, Fed’s Bostic


Asian equities started the first trading day of the month on an optimistic note, despite a...


Asian stock kicked the month off on the front foot, Nikkei 225 outperformed, Chinese Caixin Manufacturing PMI beat forecast but remained in contraction

UK Opposition Labour Party is reportedly moving towards a compromise plan which would allow PM May’s Brexit deal to pass in exchange for a 2nd referendum

In FX markets, DXY remained near post-GDP highs, AUD wobbled on China data, JPY weakened on risk appetite

Looking ahead, highlights include German Unemployment Data, EZ Manufacturing PMI...

  • US President Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un failed to reach an agreement
  • Major European equities [Euro Stoxx 50 U/C] trim opening losses ahead of US entrance to market
  • Looking ahead, highlights include; US GDP & Chicago PMI, Fed’s Clarida, Bostic, Harker & Kaplan


Asian stocks were mixed following a similar lead from Wall Street wherein the Dow and S&P fell for a second consecutive day as investors digested key testimonies from US Trade...

  • Asian stocks were mixed following a similar lead from Wall Street, China Manufacturing PMI contracted for a third-straight month
  • PM May avoided a Parliamentary showdown yesterday by agreeing to hold a vote on March 14th on whether to delay Brexit, if Parliament has rejected her deal and leaving without a deal
  • UK government is reportedly mulling bringing the Brexit meaningful vote forward to next week; according to rumours cited by BBC’s Chief Political Editor
  • In FX markets, DXY...
  • European equities are subdued as the risk tone deteriorates due to escalating tensions between Pakistan and India
  • Sterling has been boosted, with cable having surpassed 1.33 ahead of today’s amendment votes
  • Dollar has slipped somewhat ahead of Fed Powell testimony part 2; with yesterday’s testimony emphasising the patient stance
  • Looking ahead, highlights include, Canadian CPI, US Factory Orders, Fed’s Powell testifying before the House, earnings from...

Asian equities posted firm gains following a subdued lead from Wall Street, energy stocks outperformed

UK PM May said she is close to winning concessions from the EU that could persuade Eurosceptic MPs to back her deal

Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg is prepared to consider other legal fixes to make sure the Irish backstop does not become permanent

FX markets are relatively quiet as the DXY roamed just above the 96.000, AUD and NZD were dented by disappointed data

Looking ahead, highlights...


Pound outperforms as anticipation builds around PM May removing Brexit no-deal from the table

Major European equities are in the red as risk sentiment faded in the Asia session; Dow constituant Home Depot missed on their top and bottom lines

Looking ahead, highlights include US Building Permits & Housing Starts. US Consumer Confidence, Fed Discount Rate Minutes, Fed’s Powell testifying before the Senate, US Auctions & earnings from Macy's


Asian stocks traded mostly...

  • Asian stocks traded mostly lower following an uninspiring lead from Wall Street, Mainland China swung between gains and losses
  • UK PM May is considering a plan to postpone Brexit which she will be discussing with her Cabinet ahead of a Parliamentary announcement
  • UK PM May is said to propose formally ruling out a no-deal Brexit but still wants to keep the option of no-deal alive for later in the year after any potential extension to Article 50
  • In FX markets, DXY was choppy within a...
  • US President Trump’s announcement of a China tariff extension spurs markets into risk on trade
  • GBP shrugs off UK PM May delaying meaningful vote again, with suggestions abound of an extension to Article 50
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US National Activity Index and US 2yr, 5yr note auctions


US President Trump said he will be delaying the deadline for the China tariff hike, and assuming US and China make additional progress, he will be planning a Summit...

  • US President Trump announced an extension to the March 1st trade deadline whilst citing substantial progress on key issues
  • UK PM May is reportedly considering delaying Brexit by two months, whilst EU are said to be mulling a proposal for a Brexit delay until 2021
  • UK PM May confirmed a meaningful vote will not take place this week, MPs will get to vote by March 12th
  • Asian stocks started the week with modest gains following a strong lead from Wall Street, Mainland China outperformed on...
  • All quiet on the western front ahead of US President Trump’s scheduled talks with Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He at at 1430EST
  • Clouds clear downunder for the AUD as Aussie-Dailan coal import story categorically denied
  • UK Official notes that it is very unlikely a Brexit deal will be voted on next week
  • Looking ahead, highlights include, Canadian Retail Sales, Fed's Bostic, Williams, Daly, Clarida, Bullard & Harker, ECB's Draghi &...
  • Asian stocks were mixed following the weak lead from their peers on Wall St. where all US major indices declined and the Nasdaq snapped its 8-day win streak
  • US President Trump is expected to meet with China Vice Premier Liu He today at 1430EST
  • As many as 25 UK government members are ready to vote for a Brexit delay unless UK PM May rules out a "no-deal"
  • EU expects PM May to be forced to request a 3-month extension to...
  • Mixed trade for European stocks [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.1%] despite a firmer Asia trade
  • Aussie and Kiwi remain the underperformers while GBP gave up gains on Brexit impasse
  • Looking ahead, highlights include ECB Minutes, US Durable Goods & Existing Home Sales, US Philly Fed Business Index, ECB’s Praet, BoE’s Haldane, Fed’s Bostic & BoC’s Poloz
  • Earnings: Kraft-Heinz


Asian equity markets eventually traded mostly higher with the...
