

  • European indices [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.4%] were lifted from mildly negative territory by positive US-China comments
  • US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said the US-China deal is 90% complete, though there was some suggestion that these comments were delivered in the past tense
  • In FX, the DXY has steadied above 96.0 post-Fed comments while the NZD leads G10 counterparts post-RBNZ
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Durable Goods, Fed’s Daly. Supply from the...
  • Asian indices are somewhat subdued after Fed speakers tempered the prospect/magnitude of rate cuts
  • US is reportedly considering suspending the next round of tariffs as US-China prepare for trade negotiations to resume
  • RBNZ left rates unchanged but noted downside risks to employment & inflation; adding that a lower rate may be needed over time
  • Looking ahead highlights include, German GfK, US Durable Goods, ECB’s Mersch, BoE’s Carney,...
  • European Indices [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.3%] are somewhat subdued following the lacklusture Asia-Pac handover
  • Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Mousavi states that the US sanctions mean the permanent closure of the diplomatic channel
  • AbbVie (ABBV) is looking to buy Allergan (AGN) for in excess of USD 60bln in a cash and stock deal
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US Richmond Fed, ECB’s Coeure, Fed’s Williams, Bostic, Powell, Barkin, Bullard, supply from the US, earnings from FedEx and...
  • Asian indices are subdued following on from the US’ imposition of sanctions on Iran
  • DXY continued its recent downtrend and slipped below 96.00, leading USD/JPY beneath 107.00
  • US placed strong sanctions on Iran, including the Supreme Leader; Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman states that the sanctions mean the diplomatic channel is closed forever
  • US Official states that the Trump-Xi meeting is likely the 2nd day of G20, but this is yet to be...
  • A choppy start to a potentially pivotally week for global trade [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.4%], with Trump & Xi due to meet at the G20 summit
  • US President Trump has stated that they will move ahead with additional sanctions on Iran; Iran’s Navy Commander said the downing of a US Spy drone was a ‘firm response’ and can be repeated
  • In FX, the USD remains subdued with Antipodeans leading G10 gains; while the TRY has rebounded post Istanbul election re-run
  • Looking ahead, highlights include NZ Trade, ECB’s...
  • Asian equities began the week somewhat choppy with participants tentative ahead of the Trump-Xi G20 meeting
  • Conservative Party is reportedly making plans that would permit the next PM to hold off from putting their Brexit plans to Parliament until Autumn
  • US President Trump said he has no pre-conditions for talks with Iran. However, the US will be moving ahead with sanctions on the nation
  • Turkish opposition candidate Imamoglu beat former PM...
  • European stocks gave up earlier gains on quadruple witching day, sectors are mostly in the red
  • Dollar trades within a tight range above 95.50, EUR is supported by encouraging EZ PMIs
  • US President Trump reportedly pulled back from launching attacks on Iran hours after approving strikes on a handful of targets
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US PMIs, Canadian retail sales, Baker Hughes, Fed’s Mester, Daly, BoE’s Tenreyro and Carney,...
  • Asian equity markets traded mostly lacklustre as the FOMC-fuelled momentum began to wane in the region despite the strong lead from Wall St
  • Boris Johnson maintained the lead after the 5th round of the Tory leadership ballot with Jeremy Hunt making it to the final two after Michael Gove was eliminated
  • US President Trump reportedly pulled back from launching attacks on Iran hours after approving strikes on a handful of targets
  • Looking ahead,...
  • European equities higher across the board as investors cheer the Fed
  • DXY lower, NOK bolstered by hawkish Norges hike
  • Looking ahead, highlights include BoE rate decision US weekly jobs, Philly Fed, BoE’s Carney



Asian equity markets traded mostly positive as the region digested the dovish FOMC. ASX 200 (+0.6%) was led higher by gold names after the precious metal surged...

  • FOMC stood pat on rates, dot plot showed median forecast is for no change in rates in 2019 although nearly half expected lower rates
  • Fed stated it will closely monitor developments and removed its pledge to be “patient”.
  • BoJ kept monetary policy settings unchanged as expected
  • Boris Johnson maintained the lead in the third Conservative leadership vote, Rory Stewart eliminated
  • Looking ahead, highlights include BoE and...
  • Asian equity markets rallied across the board as the region followed suit from the heightened global risk appetite
  • Former UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson remained in the lead after the second round of the Conservative leadership vote
  • DXY was steady and remained near this month’s highs after the recent Draghi-induced selling in EUR/USD
  • US President Trump replied "let's see what he does" when asked whether he wants to demote Fed Chair...
  • ECB President Draghi said additional stimulus will be required if inflation aim is threatened, APP still has considerable headroom
  • Stocks surge as Draghi strikes a dovish tone, albeit Financials underperform amid the prolongation of negative rates
  • EUR slumped to the bottom of the G10 pile amid dovish Draghi comments, DXY is firmer above 97.50
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US Building Permits, Housing Starts, APIs, Tory Leadership Vote,...
  • Asian equity markets mostly saw cautious gains ahead of this week’s key risk events and following the marginal gains in the US
  • Boris Johnson allies reportedly plan to rig the leadership contest by ‘lending’ votes to Jeremy Hunt
  • DXY continued on from the prior day’s swings and slipped back below 97.50 amid tentativeness heading into the key central bank meetings
  • Looking ahead, highlights include German ZEW, EZ CPI, US Building Permits,...
  • MON: US hearing on further China tariffs.
  • TUE: RBA Minutes, German ZEW Sentiment, EZ CPI (Final), US Housing Starts.
  • WED: FOMC Monetary Policy meeting, CBRT Summary of the MPC meeting, BCB Monetary Policy meeting, Japan Trade Balance, UK & Canada CPI.
  • THU: BOE, BOJ, Norges Bank, Bank of Indonesia, UK Retail Sales, US Philly Fed.
  • FRI: EU Summit (EU top jobs decisions to be made), Quadruple Witching, Japanese CPI,...
  • Major European stocks are flat/mixed in a continuation of the cautious tone seen in Asia
  • Most major FX pairs remain rangebound ahead of an action-packed week
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US NY Fed Manufacturing and ECB’s Draghi



Asian equity markets began mixed with the region cautious ahead of the upcoming slate of central bank activity and after last Friday’s losses on Wall St,...

  • Asian equity markets began mixed with the region cautious ahead of the upcoming slate of key risk events
  • Price action in FX was relatively quiet amid a lack of tier 1 data releases, DXY slightly pulled back from Friday’s data-driven gains
  • Former UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to withhold Brexit bill payments could be thwarted by Attorney General Cox’s legal advice
  • Looking ahead, highlights include US NY Fed Manufacturing, ECB’s de...
  • European indices are predominantly lower [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.4%] as the risk-off theme prevails
  • The US have reportedly asked the WTO to pause the investigation into China IP until December, and India are reportedly preparing higher tariffs on 20 US goods
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Retail Sales, Industrial Production, Business Inventories, University of Michigan Sentiment, BoE’s Carney



Asia equity markets traded mixed as they awaited...

  • Asian indices are mixed, pulled between the positive Wall St. lead and impending Chinese data at 08:00BST
  • US Secretary of State Pompeo formally blamed Iran for the Oman tanker attacks
  • NEC Director Kudlow states that China has broken WTO terms on trade, as such US President Trump is taking action
  • Looking ahead highlights include, Chinese Industrial Output & Retail Sales, EZ CPI (Final), US Retail Sales, Industrial Production, Business...
  • European equities are firmer [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.2%], deviating from their Asia-Pac counterparts
  • WTI & Brent are significantly firmer amidst reports that two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman have been attacked
  • In FX, the USD remains relatively stead while safe havens are buoyed by ongoing geopolitical tensions
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US Import, Export Prices & Jobless Claims, New Zealand Manufacturing PMI. Supply from the...
  • Asia-Pac stocks remain lower as the risk-off sentiment spills over from the US; amidst negative Chinese rhetoric on a US trade deal
  • US President Trump remains optimistic on achieving a deal with China, but added that tariffs on the rest of Chinese imports will be imposed if no deal can be achieved; has no deadline for these tariffs
  • USD remains firm to the detriment of G10 counterparts, with Cable pressured after the Labour party’s parliament control bill was...
  • No major fundamental EU session updates leave European Indices [Euro Stoxx 50 -0.5%] subdued and largely in-line with their Asia-Pac counterparts.
  • In FX, the USD is lacklustre ahead of US CPI; with G10 counterparts failing to significantly capitalise on this amidst the downbeat tone
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US CPI, ECB’s Coeure. Supply from the US



Asian equity markets traded mostly subdued after the flat lead from Wall St where the...

  • Asian indices are mixed, following on from Wall St. finishing flat, breaking its week-long win streak
  • In FX, the USD is little changed ahead of US CPI; with main G10 counterparts relatively steady as well
  • US President Trump says he is the one holding up the US-China trade deal, and that he expects to meet President Xi at the G20 summit
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US CPI, ECB’s Draghi, de Guindos & Coeure. Supply from Germany &...
  • European indices are firmer this morning [Euro Stoxx 50 +0.9%], taking the lead from a positive Asia-Pac session.
  • In FX, Sterling is outperforming G10 counterparts on the combination of both strong UK labour data and hawkish BoE speak
  • Looking ahead highlights include, US PPI. Supply from the US


Asian equity markets were higher across the board after a similar lead from US where sentiment was underpinned by the US-Mexico tariff relief which lifted the...

  • Asian indices are higher as sentiment remains supported on US-Mexico tariff relief
  • BoE’s Saunders says the BoE will likely need to return to a neutral stance sooner than expected and rates do not necessarily need to be on hold until Brexit uncertainty fades
  • Looking ahead highlights include, UK Employment Data, US NFIB & PPI, ECB’s Nowotny & Rehn, BoE’s Vlieghe, Saunders, Broadbent & Tenreyro. Supply from the...
  • European Indices  [Euro Stoxx 600 +0.2%] are firmer as risk sentiment remains positive after the US agreed to advert tariffs on Mexico
  • In FX, the USD outperforms its G10 counterparts with antipodeans lagging on mixed China trade, while GBP declines with UK GDP
  • Looking ahead highlights include; Canadian Housing Starts & Building Permits, US Jolts, BoE’s Saunders



Asian equity markets began the week higher with sentiment underpinned...
