

  • MON: Eurogroup Meeting; Chinese Retail Sales and Industrial Production (Apr)
  • TUE: RBA Minutes (April); EU Economic & Financial Affairs Council; Japanese GDP (Q1); UK Jobs Report (Mar); EZ Employment (Q1) and GDP (Q1)
  • WED: FOMC Minutes (April); UK Inflation (Apr); EZ CPI (Apr) Canadian CPI (Apr); Hong Kong Holiday
  • THU: PBoC LPR, SARB Rate Decision, BoC Financial System Review presser; EU Foreign Affairs Council Meeting (Trade);...
  • MON: Riksbank Minutes; Norwegian CPI; EZ Sentix Index.
  • TUE: BoJ SOO, CBRT Minutes, EIA STEO & OPEC MOMR; Chinese Inflation; German ZEW Survey, Australian Budget. 
  • THU: Banxico Rate Decision; India Holiday, Swiss Holiday. 
  • FRI: ECB Minutes, BoC Senior Loan Officer Survey; US Retail Sales; University of Michigan Survey.

NOTE: Previews...

  • MON: German Retail Sales (Mar); EZ and US Manufacturing Final PMI (Apr); ISM Manufacturing PMI (Apr); UK Bank Holiday, Chinese Labour Day & Japanese Constitution Day
  • TUE: RBA Policy Decision, UK Manufacturing Final PMI (Apr); US Durable Goods R (Mar); New Zealand Jobs Report (Q1); Riksdag Hearing on Riksbank Monetary Policy; Chinese Labour Day
  • WED: BCB Policy Decision; EZ and US Services and Composite Final PMI (Apr); US ADP National Employment (Apr);...
  • MON: German Ifo Survey (Apr); US Durable Goods (Mar).
  • TUE: BoJ Policy Decision and Outlook Report; Riksbank Policy Decision; MNB Policy Decision; South Korean GDP (Q1).
  • WED: FOMC Policy Decision; Australian CPI (Q1), German GfK Sentiment (May); Canadian Retail Sales (Feb), JMMC Meeting.
  • THU: German Unemployment Data (Apr) and Prelim CPI (Apr); US GDP and PCE Prices Adv (Q1).
  • FRI: Chinese Official PMIs (Apr);...
  • SUN: German Regional State Elections
  • MON: Chinese Retail Sales and Industrial Output (Feb); Eurogroup Meeting
  • TUE: RBA Minutes (Feb); German ZEW Survey (Mar); US Retail Sales (Feb); Japanese Trade Balance (Feb)
  • WED: FOMC Policy Announcement; BCB Policy Announcement; EZ Final CPI (Feb); Canadian CPI (Feb); New Zealand GDP (Q4); IEA MOMR; Dutch General Election
  • THU:...
  • MON: PBoC LPR Setting; Bank of Israel Policy Announcement; German Ifo Survey (Feb); New Zealand Retail Sales (Q4)
  • TUE: UK Employment Report (Dec) and Claimant Count (Jan); EZ CPI Final (Jan)
  • WED: RBNZ Policy Announcement; German GDP (Q4)
  • THU: BoK Policy Announcement; German GfK Consumer Sentiment (Mar); EZ Sentiment Survey (Feb); US Durable Goods (Jan); GDP 2nd Estimate (Q4); Australian capex; New Zealand Trade Balance...
  • SUN: Japanese GDP
  • MON: Eurogroup meeting; US Holiday Washington's Birthday
  • TUE: RBA Minutes (Feb); German ZEW Sentiment (Feb); EZ GDP Flash Estimate (Q4) and Employment Flash (Q4); Japanese Trade Balance (Jan)
  • WED: FOMC Minutes (Jan); UK Inflation (Jan); US Retail Sales (Jan) and Industrial Production (Jan); Canadian CPI (Jan)
  • THU: ECB Minutes (Jan); CBRT Policy Announcement; Australian Labour Market Report (Jan); EZ...
  • MON: EZ Sentix Index (Feb)
  • WED: Riksbank Policy Announcement; Banxico Policy Announcement; Chinese Inflation (Jan); US CPI (Jan); Norwegian CPI (Jan); US CPI (Jan)
  • THU: CBR Policy Announcement; US University of Sentiment Prelim (Feb); OPEC Oil Market Report; Japanese National Day Holiday, Chinese Spring Festival, South Korea's New Year's Day
  • FRI: UK GDP Estimate (Dec) and Prelim GDP (Q4); Hong...
  • SUN: Chinese Official PMIs (Jan)
  • MON: Chinese Caixin Manufacturing PMI Final (Jan); EZ, UK and US Manufacturing PMI Final (Jan); US ISM Manufacturing PMI (Jan).
  • TUE: RBA Policy Announcement; EZ Flash GDP (Q4); US ISM New York (Jan); New Zealand Labour Market Data (Q4).
  • WED: Chinese Caixin Services PMI Final (Jan); EZ, UK and US Services/Composite PMI Final (Jan); EZ Flash CPI (Jan) US ISM Services PMI (Jan); ADP National Employment (Jan);...
  • MON: German Ifo Survey (Jan); EZ Sentiment Survey (Jan); Chinese President Xi to speak.
  • TUE: UK Employment data (Dec).
  • WED: FOMC Policy Decision; Australian CPI (Q4); German GfK Survey; US Durable Goods (Dec); Japanese Retail Sales (Dec); New Zealand Trade Balance (Dec).
  • THU: German Prelim CPI (Jan); US GDP (Q4) & PCE Prices (Dec); Japanese Unemployment Rate (Dec).
  • FRI: BoJ Summary of Opinions (Jan);...
  • MON: Chinese GDP (Q4), Industrial Production (Dec) and Retail Sales (Dec); Eurogroup Meeting; US Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • TUE: German ZEW Survey (Jan); EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council.
  • WED: US President-elect Biden's inauguration; PBoC LPR Setting (Jan); BoC Policy Decision; German GfK Sentiment (Feb); UK Inflation (Dec); EZ CPI Final (Dec); Canadian CPI (Dec); Japanese Trade Balance (Dec).
  • THU: ECB Policy Decision; BoJ...
  • MON: US Electoral College Votes; OPEC MOMR; EZ Industrial Production (Oct).
  • TUE: Hungarian Rate Decision, RBA Minutes (Dec); European Commission VP Dombrovskis speaking on EU Fiscal matters; IEA MOMR; Chinese Retail Sales (Nov); UK Labour Market Report (Oct); Japanese Trade Balance (Nov).
  • WED: FOMC Monetary Policy Decision; EZ Finance Ministers meeting to discuss Draft Budgetary Plans; UK Inflation (Nov); EZ, UK, and US Markit Flash PMI (Dec); US Retail...
  • MON: Riksbank Minutes (Nov); EZ Sentix Index (Dec); Japanese GDP (R/Q3); Chinese Trade Balance (Nov).
  • TUE: EIA STEO; Norges Bank Regional Network Report (Q4); EZ Employment (F); GDP German ZEW Survey (Dec)(R/Q3).
  • WED: BoC Policy Meeting; BCB Policy Meeting; Chinese Inflation (Nov); German Trade Balance (Oct)
  • THU: ECB Policy Meeting; US FDA Covid EUA Meeting; EU Council Meeting (Thu-Fri); UK GDP (Oct), Output Data (Oct), Trade...
  • MON: OPEC meeting, Chinese Manufacturing & non-Manufacturing PMI (Nov), Canada fiscal update, German Regional & National CPI (Nov), US Chicago PMI (Nov), Pending Home Sales (Oct)
  • TUE: OPEC+ meeting, RBA Policy Announcement, Final EZ, UK & US Markit Manufacturing PMIs (Nov), EZ CPI(Nov), Canadian GDP (Q3), US Construction Spending (Oct), ISM Manufacturing PMI (Nov).
  • WED: Australian GDP (Q3), US ADP (Nov)
  • THU: Turkish...
  • MON: OPEC JTC & Diwali (India); Chinese Retail Sales & Industrial Production (Oct), Norwegian Trade Balance (Oct), US New-York Fed Manufacturing (Nov)
  • TUE: RBA Minutes (Nov) & Hungarian Rate Decision, OPEC JMMC; Norwegian Consumer Confidence (Q4), US Retail Sales, Industrial Production, Import/Export Prices, & Manufacturing Output (Oct); Japanese Trade Balance (Oct)
  • WED: UK CPI (October), EZ CPI (Oct, Final), US Building Permits &...
  • MON: Swiss Unemployment Rate (Oct), EZ Sentix (Nov), Mexican Inflation (Oct), US Employment Trends (Oct)
  • TUE: Norges Bank Financial Stability Report & EIA STEO; Chinese Inflation (Oct), Australian NAB Business Confidence (Oct), UK Unemployment (Sep), Norwegian CPI (Oct), German ZEW (Nov), US NFIB (Oct), Chinese M2 Money Supply & New Yuan Loans (Oct)
  • WED: RBNZ Rate Decision, ECB...
  • MON: --
  • TUE: Bank of Indonesia Monetary Policy Decision; UK Labour Market Report (Aug); German ZEW Survey (Oct); US CPI (Sep); OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report
  • WED: BoK Monetary Policy Decision; Singapore MAS, IEA Oil Market Report
  • THU: UK's de-facto deadline for UK-EU deal; European Council Summit (Day 1); US Second Presidential Debate; Australian Labour Force Report (Sep); Chinese Inflation (Sep); OPEC+ JTC...
  • MON: N/A
  • TUE: US 2020 Election Debate; German Flash CPI (Sep); EZ Sentiment Survey (Sep); US Advanced Goods Trade Balance (Aug)
  • WED: Chinese Official Manufacturing PMI (Sep) and Caixin Manufacturing Final PMI (Sep); UK GDP (Q2); German Retail Sales (Aug) and Unemployment (Sep); EZ Flash CPI (Sep); US ADP National Employment (Sep); GDP Final (Q2); Canadian GDP (Jul); US Chicago PMI (Aug); SNB Quarterly Bulletin (Q3)
  • THU: RBI Monetary...
  • MON: PBoC LPR Announcement
  • TUE: Riksbank & Hungarian Monetary Policy Decisions; EZ Consumer Confidence Flash (Sep); Tesla battery day
  • WED: RBNZ & CNB Monetary Policy Decisions; German GfK Survey (Oct); EZ, UK and US Flash Markit PMIs, (Sep); New Zealand Trade Balance (Aug)
  • THU: Special European Council Summit; SNB, Norges Bank &...
  • MON: EU/China Meeting; Japanese LDP Leadership Vote; EZ Industrial Production; Indian Trade Balance; OPEC MOMR
  • TUE: RBA Minutes, Norges Bank Regional Network Report; Chinese Retail Sales; UK Labour Market Report; German ZEW Survey; US Industrial Production; IEA MOMR
  • WED: FOMC Monetary Policy Decision; UK Inflation; US Retail Sales; Canadian CPI; New Zealand GDP
  • THU: BoE, BoJ, SARB Monetary Policy Decision; RBA Bulletin; Australian Labour...
  • MON: UK Holiday; Japanese Industrial Operating Profit (Prelim/July), Chinese NBS Manufacturing & Non-Manufacturing PMI (Aug), Japanese Consumer Confidence Index (Aug), German CPI (Prelim/Aug), Import Prices (July), Canadian Producer Prices (July), US Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index (Aug), New Zealand Import/Export Prices (Q2)
  • TUE: RBA Monetary Policy Decision; South Korea GDP (Q2/R); Chinese Caixin Manufacturing PMI (Aug/F);  EZ, UK and US Markit Manufacturing PMI...

Highlights include Fed’s Jackson Hole conference; RNC; US personal spending/consumption, consumer confidence; Aus capex; NZ retail sales; Canada GDP, BOK rate decision


MON: PBoC Loan Prime Rate Setting, Japanese Industrial Output, German PPI, Indonesian Central Bank Monetary Policy Decision, Huawei CFO Extradition Hearing begins, Eurogroup Meeting, Martin Luther King Day

TUE: World Economic Forum in Davos Begins (21st-24th January), BoJ Monetary Policy Decision, UK Labour Market Report, German ZEW, Eurozone Economic Sentiment, Canadian Manufacturing Sales

WED: BoC Monetary Policy Decision, Canadian CPI, South African CPI, Japanese...

  • MON: Eurozone M3 Money Supply, US Good Trade Balance, Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index.
  • TUE: Tokyo CPI, German Import Price Index, US S&P Case-Shiller, CB Consumer Confidence, US Pending Home Sales.
  • WED: Australian CPI, Swedish Confidence, German Labour Market Report, Regional and National CPI, Consumer Confidence (F), ADP Employment, BoC Rate Decision, FOMC Rate Decision.
  • THU: Australian Building Approvals, Chinese Manufacturing...
  • MON: Swedish Unemployment, EZ Industrial Production.
  • TUE: RBA Minutes, Chinese Inflation, South Korean Trade, UK Labour Market, German ZEW, NY Empire State Manufacturing Index, NZ CPI.
  • WED: BoK Rate Decision, UK & EZ Inflation, EZ Trade, US Retail Sales, Canadian CPI, US Business Inventories, TIC Flows.
  • THU: Australian Labour Market, Swiss Trade, UK Retail Sales, US Building Permits, Housing Starts, Philly Fed, Industrial Production,...