US sells USD 47bln 5yr notes; tails 3.5bps

Analysis details (18:17)

The 5yr auction was dismal seeing a hefty 3.5bps tail, much larger than the prior 0.4bps tail and average 0.1bp stop through. The weak demand saw the bid-to-cover fall to 2.28x from 2.46x while the breakdown saw a similar representation of the earlier 2yr auction, where indirect demand slumped, direct demand was marginally above average, but not enough to offset the soft indirect bidders, seeing dealers take a larger chunk of the auction than last month's auction, and the six-auction average. 

27 Jun 2022 - 18:02- Fixed Income- Source: Newswires

YieldFixed IncomeAsian SessionHighlightedUnited StatesUSD

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