US sells USD 46bln 2yr notes; tails 0.7bps

Analysis details (16:48)

The 2yr auction was disappointing, seeing a 0.7bps tail after the prior auction's 0.7bps stop through, and against the six-auction average of 0.3bps stop through. Demand was weak with the Bid-to-Cover falling to 2.51x from 2.61x, and beneath the six-auction average of 2.64x, as indirect bidders dissipated, taking only 51.47% vs 62.6% at the last auction (average 62.8%), although it was met with an uptake of Direct bidders, who took 25.28%, above the prior 22.1% and the average of 18.6%. The rise in direct bidders was not enough to offset the declined participation from indirects, leaving dealers (forced buyers) with a 23.24% take of the auction, above both the prior and six auction average. 

27 Jun 2022 - 16:32- Fixed IncomeImportant- Source: Newsquawk

YieldFixed IncomeAsian SessionImportantUnited StatesUSD

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