EUROPEAN FIXED UPDATE: Benchmarks in the green with the tone tepid into PCE, EGBs hit by hawk-Schnabel

USTs: +9 ticks, 110-19+

Bunds: +56 ticks, 134.14

OATs: -1 tick, 125.43

Gilts: +62 ticks, 95.48

27 Nov 2024 - 10:05- Fixed IncomeData- Source: Newsquawk

Fixed IncomeGerman BondsEuropeHawkEuropean Fixed UpdateUnited KingdomGiltsGermanyUnited StatesUSDCentral BankDataEURInflationFOMCCore CorpPPIECBFranceYieldFederal ReserveForexDXYEU SessionHighlightedResearch SheetEU SessionHighlightedResearch SheetGBPJPYOatsAgricultureCommodities

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