EUROPEAN FIXED INCOME UPDATE: very volatile and deviant debt futures

Analysis details (11:05)

Divergence, range extension and whippy price action in bonds, but not much rhyme or reason it seems as Bunds recover from a retreat below parity alongside Gilts between 157.29-156.72 and 1240.47-05 respective extremes on Eurex and Liffe compared to prior closes of 156.83 and 120.17. However, the mood, moves and tone in US Treasuries has been more constant and bearish, albeit the curve less tilted after the extremely pronounced post-FOMC minutes and Fed Bullard steepening, with the T-note towards the base of its 120-23/05 overnight range.  

08 Apr 2022 - 11:05- Fixed IncomeResearch Sheet- Source: Newsquawk

Fixed IncomeFederal ReserveUnited StatesGiltsEUREXT-NoteGerman BondsParityCentral BankUnited KingdomEuropeResearch SheetAsian SessionHighlightedForexGermany

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