EUROPEAN FIXED INCOME UPDATE: bonds mixed pre-NY Fed SCE and supply

Analysis details (10:47)

Gilts have pared some losses from a deeper sub-96.00 low, but remain around ½ point underwater in wake of pre-Liffe open comments from BoE’s Haskel sounding another inflation warning and a willingness to hike rates further if warranted. Elsewhere, Bunds and the T-note have regained more poise with the former holding just a tick off interim support at 133.91 earlier and the latter sticky around 3.75% in 10 year yield terms, but BTPs and JGBs are faring better above par following a firm bounce into the end of last week and in the run up to what is expected to be another on hold BoJ, with added incentive via benign Japanese corp goods prices overnight.

12 Jun 2023 - 10:47- Fixed IncomeResearch Sheet- Source: Newsquawk

Fixed IncomeCentral BankFederal ReserveBOEInflationGerman BondsGiltsYieldBoJJapanT-NoteUnited StatesUnited KingdomEuropeEU SessionHighlightedResearch SheetAsian SessionGermanyAsia

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